Showing posts with label Ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ring. Show all posts

May 18, 2013

1.00 ring

  1. 1
    Place the bill on a flat surface, face up. Smooth it out as much as possible.

    • If it’s too old and wrinkly, consider ironing it first.

  2. 2
    Fold the top end down. Do it so that the fold falls just under the white edge. This covers the white edge and makes the finished ring a bit slimmer. Note that the front margins are different from the back margins!

  3. 3
    Fold the bottom end up. Do it the same as the top fold, to cover the white edge. The exact width for these two folds isn't critical, but try to keep them parallel with the edges of the bill. 

  4. 4
    Fold the bill in half lengthwise. Bring the top and bottom edges you created together. 

  5. 5
    Fold the bill in half lengthwise again. Run your fingernail or a pen over the fold to make it crisp and clean.


  6. 6
    Check your folds. They should look like this if you open up the end. 

  7. 7
    Note that one of the small numbers should be facing out. Place it so that it's on your left, as shown. 

  8. 8
    Fold the right end of the bill upwards (over itself). Form a 90-degree angle, about one-third of the total length. The placement of this fold can be adjusted to make the ring larger or smaller.

  9. 9
    Wrap the tab around the bill. Fold it straight down behind the bill. 

  10. 10
    Turn the folded bill over, so that it is oriented as shown

  11. 11
    Make the ring. Take the long end sticking out to the right, and curl it in a loop around the back. Pass the free end under the tab that is sticking down. 

  12. 12
    Take the short part of the bill that's sticking out behind the tab, fold it across, over the angled fold on the outside of the ring.

    • Arrange the number so it's on the outside, then tuck the end underneath. This is the "stone" or "top" part of the ring.

  13. 13
    Fold the loose end that's still sticking down under and tuck it in under the "stone"

  14. 14
    Admire your good work.

  15. 15

    re blogged from wikiHow

Jan 21, 2013

Orgami Ring for Valentines Day

first image

 Start with one piece of origami 

Place it color-side down.
Fold in half, then unfold.

Turn and repeat. You should now 

have a "+" in your paper.

Fold each side to the center. It will 

look like doors being closed.
Unfold. Your piece should look like 

Take the edge and fold it to the 

first fold you made before 
Do the same with the opposite 


Fold one edge over to the second 

crease from the opposite edge 

Repeat with the opposite egde.
The outcome will be the paper 

being divided equally.

With the colored side up, fold back 

the top segment 

Fold the top left point to the center 

of the paper, similar to an airplane 
Thumb Image 2
Repeat on the other side 

Turn over 
You are going to fold down on the 

line shown 
Fold down 


Turn over
Fold point back
Repeat on other side 


Unfold both sides 
Now you are going to open and 

fold. Pull open the folded piece and Thumb Image 2

push upwards 
Repeat on both sides 

Fold point down toward center 

Repeat on both sides 


Fold up bottom fold 
Fold up again .
One last time .


Turn over 
Now you are going to make it into 

a ring. The small tab is where you 

will insert the other end of paper 

I find this part to be a challenge. 

Just keep rolling and working the 

paper until it looks like standard image 1
You've done it!

thank-you to