Jun 8, 2013

Attack of the Beavers ... the Dragons ...the HEAT

A fisherman in Belarus was bitten to death by a beaver, and all he was doing was trying to take its picture, Sky News reports. The man spotted the beaver while fishing with friends at Lake Shestakov, but as he approached to take a photograph, the beaver bit him on the thigh. The animal managed to sever an artery, and his friends couldn't stop the blood flow.

about 65 pounds and stand about a meter (three feet) high. Officials have responded to some calls by sending out crews to drive away the animals, often by spraying them with water from a fire-hose.

In 2003, dairy cattle breeders in Belarus told of a large beaver attacking a farm manager who tried to shoo it out of a barn. A female farmhand rushed to help him, but they both were bitten by the animal, 

Earlier this week a video was posted on YouTube showing a recent beaver scare in the Tver region northwest of Moscow.
A rabid beaver bit a swimmer at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area on Thursday afternoon.
The swimmer was bitten in the Delaware River, just south of the Eshback boat launch, National Park Service Superintendent John Donahue reported in a press release Friday. The beaver subsequently tested positive for rabies.

A rabid beaver that attacked a Boy Scout leader swimming in the Delaware River was killed after Scouts in the troop pelted it with rocks.

I thought it was a giant carp fish," he told the paper.After initially throwing the animal from his body, it returned to continue the attack, biting Brousseau in the leg, buttocks, arm, hand and torso before he managed to grab it and hold its jaw closed.Brousseau threw the beaver ashore while Scouts helped him out of the water. After being momentarily stunned, the beaver began attacking a pool noodle.At that point, the Scouts stepped in to put down the animal.

a Komodo dragon "sunk its teeth into" an 83-year-old Indonesian woman on Tuesday -- but she was able to fend it off.

This isn't the first time someone has been the victim of a Komodo dragon attack in Indonesia. Two park employees were reportedly attacked by one of the animals last February.


May 31, 2013



Its been a crazy month, everything from Cinco de Mayo to Memorial Day, Woolly Mammoth Blood  to ,, Mother's Day! Our newest member Chloe at home with her family! Jaclyn Toning up adding ten pounds and
also a tear in her stomach wall. Your Amazing Jaclyn lets try and keep you around for a while in  Good health!

OK June lots of BIRTHDAYS


and if i missed you let me know
I am Sorry

Angela's Rose
Angela grew this herself!

Burger King What the "Hands Free" Eating,    Now I have seen NO! NOT EVEN CLOSE!


Gemini   MAY 22 - JUNE 21

You are a quick and intelligent thinker. People like you because you are bisexual. However, you are inclined to expect too much for too little leading people to conclude that you are cheap.

Cancer  JUNE 22 - JULY 23

You are sympathetic and understanding to others peoples problems. They think you are a sucker. On the other hand, you are always putting things off, and that is why you never get anything done.


May 28, 2013

Test # 2

So you think you could hack it in Our Family?

stare at this until you see a green dot  then follow the green dot ...

The Green Dot Illusion
Where does it lead to?

Look at just one circle does it move do the others ?
Spinning Wheel Illusion - Picture

May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is one of America’s most solemn observances. We honor the men and women who died serving and defending our country—unlike Veterans Day, the day to honor all veterans.

The sheer carnage of the, America’s deadliest war, inspired Memorial Day as a way to honor the war dead. The observances originally were called Decoration Day because thankful Americans decorated and cared for soldiers’ graves. “Memorial Day” usage began appearing in 1882, but “Decoration Day” was common until post-World War II. Congress officially changed the name in 1967,

Keep noon and 3 p.m. local time in mind today. At noon, all flags lowered to half-staff should be raised completely for the remainder of the day. And at 3 p.m., a National Moment of Remembrance takes place. President Bill Clinton started the tradition in 2000.

Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia, is a military cemetery in the United States of America, established during the American Civil War on the grounds of Arlington House, formerly the estate of the family of Confederate general Robert E. Lee's wife Mary Anna (Custis) Lee, a great grand-daughter of Martha Washington. The cemetery is situated directly across the Potomac River from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
In an area of 624 acres (253 ha), veterans and military casualties from each of the nation's wars are interred in the cemetery, ranging from the American Civil War through to the military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Pre-Civil War dead were reinterred after 1900.

Each year, members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry regiment, also known as the Old Guard, are charged with placing American flags at the graves of each service member in Arlington National Cemetery. Created in 1784, the regiment is the oldest active duty regiment in the U.S. Army.

The Tomb of the Unknowns has been perpetually guarded since July 2, 1937, by the U.S. Army. The 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment ("The Old Guard") began guarding the Tomb on April 6, 1948. There is a meticulous routine which the guard follows when watching over the graves.

                                                                            The Tomb Guard:

Marches 21 steps down the black mat behind the Tomb.
Turns, faces east for 21 seconds.
Turns and faces north for 21 seconds.
Takes 21 steps down the mat.
Repeats the routine until the soldier is relieved of duty at the Changing of the Guard.
After each turn, the Guard executes a sharp "shoulder-arms" movement to place the weapon on the shoulder closest to the visitors to signify that the Guard stands between the Tomb and any possible threat.

Twenty-one was chosen because it symbolizes the highest military honor that can be bestowed—the 21-gun salute.
Each turn the guard makes is precise and is instantly followed by a loud click of the heels as he snaps them together. The guard is changed every half hour during daylight in the summer, and every hour during daylight in the winter and every two hours at night (when the cemetery is closed to the public), regardless of weather conditions.

May 23, 2013

Are You Strong Enough to be Part of the Family?

You can do it just concentrate focus send the train in the other direction in your mind!

if you did please leave your name in a comment the other tests will follow and three people


Of course if you can not please do not take it too hard!

May 21, 2013

Love.. Honor.. Humor.. Respect



I can still hear the words .. i cant say them yet without swelling with tears my mouth starts to shake a little,

my whole body slows almost as if it can't remember whats next. Then my chest swells and i feel a thump, a hard one i don't know if its to remind me mine still beats or that he doesn't.

About that time i begin to feel selfishly without him i remember those who he wrapped his heart close with, for when it comes to heartbreak they are the ones he would want our good intentions to go.

My mind reprocesses memories of his "i don't give a shit" attitude" & "don't fuck with my family dude" & 'cause we're family that's why" way of living. He did what he did because he wanted to and he would make no excuses for it.

What i know is he would do what he would do for ours, and he wouldn't make any excuses for doing it!

He lead by Quite Example,(i know never would of thought that word and him) he provided for his family, food, financially, and most importantly in faith as a fisherman for our Family!

i choose to remember him with..    Love.. Honor.. Humor.. Respect

May 18, 2013

1.00 ring

  1. 1
    Place the bill on a flat surface, face up. Smooth it out as much as possible.

    • If it’s too old and wrinkly, consider ironing it first.

  2. 2
    Fold the top end down. Do it so that the fold falls just under the white edge. This covers the white edge and makes the finished ring a bit slimmer. Note that the front margins are different from the back margins!

  3. 3
    Fold the bottom end up. Do it the same as the top fold, to cover the white edge. The exact width for these two folds isn't critical, but try to keep them parallel with the edges of the bill. 

  4. 4
    Fold the bill in half lengthwise. Bring the top and bottom edges you created together. 

  5. 5
    Fold the bill in half lengthwise again. Run your fingernail or a pen over the fold to make it crisp and clean.


  6. 6
    Check your folds. They should look like this if you open up the end. 

  7. 7
    Note that one of the small numbers should be facing out. Place it so that it's on your left, as shown. 

  8. 8
    Fold the right end of the bill upwards (over itself). Form a 90-degree angle, about one-third of the total length. The placement of this fold can be adjusted to make the ring larger or smaller.

  9. 9
    Wrap the tab around the bill. Fold it straight down behind the bill. 

  10. 10
    Turn the folded bill over, so that it is oriented as shown

  11. 11
    Make the ring. Take the long end sticking out to the right, and curl it in a loop around the back. Pass the free end under the tab that is sticking down. 

  12. 12
    Take the short part of the bill that's sticking out behind the tab, fold it across, over the angled fold on the outside of the ring.

    • Arrange the number so it's on the outside, then tuck the end underneath. This is the "stone" or "top" part of the ring.

  13. 13
    Fold the loose end that's still sticking down under and tuck it in under the "stone"

  14. 14
    Admire your good work.

  15. 15

    re blogged from wikiHow